There is a vast difference between demonstrating the results of a microblading procedure immediately afterward and showing the entire process. The results shown right afterward may leave the client asking, “What about the healing process?” The truth is, the actual microblading experience begins 30-60 days after the procedure. Artists who portray a real-life healing experience are the best ones to hire.

Avoiding activities that generate a lot of sweat

The first few days following your microblading procedure are critical in ensuring a long-lasting result. While you can still perform light exercises or light household cleaning, avoid activities that cause you to sweat profusely. Excessive moisture may lead to bacterial or fungal infections. Avoid using cosmetics with glycolic acid or retinol. Do not wash your hair or face in hot water, and avoid exposing the microbladed area to excessive sun exposure. It will also be helpful to avoid excessive use of alcohol and driving open-air vehicles.

If you take blood-thinning medications, you should avoid exercising or engaging in strenuous activities immediately following your microblading procedure. While microblading technicians can repair any scratches that may occur, it is not possible to do so immediately after the first session. Also, avoid doing activities that cause your eyebrows to get wet, such as swimming or jogging.

Avoiding picking at the skin to prolong the healing process

As the microblading healing process progresses, it is essential to keep the skin clean and dry. Avoid picking at the skin during this time, as this will reopen tiny cuts and slow down the healing process. Using makeup to hide the scars is a good option, but avoid wearing makeup for at least seven days after the procedure. Natural mineral makeup is safe to use during this time.

During the first seven days after the procedure, you should avoid showering or using cleansing wipes on the skin in the brow area. The pigment in the microblading will be fading, and picking at the skin will result in scarring. You should also refrain from doing any heavy cleaning, such as dusting or washing the entire face. You should also avoid heavy household cleaning immediately after the procedure to avoid the formation of infections.

Avoiding exposure to the sun

If you plan on getting a Microblading procedure, avoid exposure to the sun. Exposure to the sun’s UV rays can fade the pigment quickly, causing your Microblading to look blotchy. If you are going to be outdoors for more than a few hours a day, make sure you don’t spend more than 10 minutes in the sun. You should also avoid sweating, as body heat will increase your perspiration. You should also avoid doing any “light workout” (i.e., no working out), or exercising in general for two weeks after your microblading procedure.

Once your Microblading procedure is complete, it’s important to keep your eyebrows out of direct sunlight for at least 14 days. While it’s normal to wear hats outdoors during the healing process, it’s also important to avoid touching the tattooed area. It’s also important to avoid swimming or taking a hot shower, as the chemicals can interfere with the healing process.

Allowing scabs or dry skin to flake on its own

If you’ve had a recent microblading procedure, you may have noticed a dry patch or scab. This can be caused by excessive amounts of oil or by lymph fluid. Scabs can also form on the brow area, increasing the risk of infection. It’s important to avoid makeup during the scabbing process, as this could cause an infection and lead to unsatisfactory results.

During the first week after microblading, your eyebrows will feel thick and darker, and the color may even look a little patchy. This is completely normal as your brows have shed dead skin to reveal the new pigments. While scabs and dry skin will be itchy, don’t pick them off, as this could fade the pigment, cause patchiness, and open a wound.

Face Figurati – How to Get Perfect Combo Brows

Combination brows are a popular makeup look that is suitable for many different types of skin. The shape of these brows can be varied to suit the personality of each individual. Combination brows are perfect for those with oily skin since they tend to blur and appear unnatural on oily complexions. For oily skin, combination brows are the ideal choice as the hair strokes are less noticeable and last longer.


Having microblading on your brows gives you a fresh and new look. Microblading adds definition to your brows, filling in the spaces between hair strokes. This technique is great for people with oily skin, since hair strokes tend to blur when oily. You can also choose to add shading to your brows to improve their look and longevity.

Shade shading is another option, which gives you a natural look without covering up your eyebrows with makeup. You can even apply this technique before applying other face make-up to achieve the desired effect. Unlike microblading, shading is more advanced and involves the use of flexible tools. Shade shading is an ideal option if you want a gradient-like effect on your eyebrows. When combined with microblading, this treatment creates an edgier and dramatic look.


Microblading and shading are two different techniques that work well together for a natural look. Microblading starts at the front of the brow, blending hair-like strokes with shading. The shaded area extends into the tail and arch of the brow. Microshading is less expensive than microblading and can be more natural than microblading. The Ombre effect is also possible with microshading.

Combination eyebrow tattooing in Melbourne costs anywhere from 450 to 1,500 AUD per session. Before choosing a master, make sure to look at their portfolios. Reputable tattoo artists don’t use Photoshop when processing their work. Photoshopping their work is an indicator that they’re trying to hide something or steal from you. You’d better choose someone with a reputation for high-quality work.

Combination brows

Having combination brows can be tricky. They’re not as defined as other brow styles, and their healing process can be lengthy. While the full healing process takes about four to six weeks, the initial two weeks are much shorter. This initial period is emotionally stressful and requires special attention, but it’s necessary for the brows to recover on their own. After two weeks, the skin will heal, and the brows will continue to take shape. It may take up to a month to achieve the final shape, and you’ll need a touch-up appointment to maintain your new look.

A combo brow is a hybrid brow design that combines the benefits of microblading and powder bronzing. The hair strokes in microblading are applied manually, while the powder is applied with a permanent makeup device. These brows give a natural, full look, and are especially suitable for those with oily skin. The shading adds body to sparse brows, while the hair-strokes keep the brows looking natural.


The longevity of your combo brows depends on several factors. The products you use, your lifestyle (you might need to give your brows more time to recover from a swim or marathon), and your hormone levels will all affect the longevity of your brows. Some people may require yearly touch-ups, while others will only need touch-ups every two years. Regardless of the length of time you go between touch-ups, the initial results should last you about two to four years.

If you have a brow tattoo, microblading or shading may be the answer for you. Combination brows combine microblading and shading to create a more natural and realistic look. This treatment is also a better choice for clients who tend to have oily skin and prefer the hair strokes of a brow tattoo. Depending on your skin type, microblading or microshading may be the better option for you.