It is not a secret, that DevOps becomes a key to the success of modern IT companies. DevOps methodology allows a significant increase in efficiency with simultaneous cost-reduction. This methodology can bring a huge number of benefits like scaling, competitiveness and better teamwork.

The majority of people used to consider DevOps as a combination of the developers and IT operators but this is a misconception. In reality, the DevOps team includes DevOps engineers but the methodology itself makes an impact on the developer’s team and others because DevOps philosophy isn’t only about tools but about teamwork too. We can call DevOps implementation the reconstruction of the whole software development process that brings business prosperity.

When you’ve decided to implement DevOps in your company, there is still a question – do you need to outsource these services? DevOps outsourcing is quite a popular direction it the IT sector and there is a common problem of popular services – you might face unscrupulous outsourcing company that can ruin the whole of your internal infrastructure. Thus said, the main risk in DevOps outsourcing is to find an unreliable partner.

A lot of companies prefer to avoid this risk and hire in-house DevOps specialists. Of course, hiring in your in-house team has some advantages. You will have to interview candidates, evaluate their hard and soft skills and make a decision about hiring or not. But there are some risks and pitfalls. The best DevOps engineers often have a job and aren’t available on the job market. Also, you’ll waste a lot of time and money for all recruiting processes. If you need to build a DevOps team from scratch, spent resources will grow exponentially. Besides, even after hiring the whole team, there is still a risk to lose some specialists that can lead to pauses in the project or even close the project.

Advantages of DevOps outsourcing

Outsourcing companies provide dedicated teams on a turnkey basis. This approach has the following benefits:

  1. You hire the whole team at once and outsourcing company (they are also called Managed Service Provider – MSP) takes care of all the issues. If some specialist will get sick or will leave, MSP will deal with it without your participation and risks for the project.
  2. Outsourcing gives you access to the most talented specialists. The best DevOps engineers prefer to work with MSPs because they have interesting projects and can work with different technologies, instead of dealing with some legacy systems for years. Variety of projects is one of the most important reasons to stay in the company for excellent engineers. Such a differentiation of projects can be provided only by MSP.
  3. You’ll get access to the best turnkey solutions, practices and tools. MSP companies usually have some ready solutions, so the time of implementation will be lower. Also, engineers in such companies use modern tools like Terraform and Kubernetes.
  4. Outsourcing will give you great cost-efficiency. You shouldn’t spend money on the recruiting processes and usually outsourcing specialists cost less than in-house.

How to choose an appropriate MSP?

There is still a question of how to define reliable MSP from unscrupulous. Well, risks already exist but you can avoid most of them. When choosing the MSP you should pay attention to the worldwide ratings and feedback from previous customers. Also, you might ask MSP to show successful cases of DevOps implementation or even chat with the dedicated team you hire.

Summing up, you shouldn’t be afraid of working with a dedicated team but should choose wisely. The reliable outsourcing team will bring your business only benefits.