Decabol 300 is an injectable steroid. The active ingredient is nandrolone decanoate. The drug has a long duration of action – up to 15-16 days after injection (half-life – 7 days) and is used mainly in mass gaining courses, more often in combination with other steroids. 

Decabol 300 from British Dragon is a steroid with a strong anabolic and moderate androgenic effect: the anabolic index is 150%, androgenic – 30% of endogenous testosterone. The effect develops gradually and for the manifestation of the full spectrum of action, long-term administration is required – on average up to 8-10 weeks. Information source:


The main effect of the drug is a smooth, but as a result of a pronounced increase in muscle mass. Judging by the reviews and practice of application, for the course you can achieve results up to 10-15 kg of muscle mass. In this case, the course of the drug is accompanied by a relatively small accumulation of water, and the resulting musculature is of a higher quality, since the substance is minimally subject to aromatization.

Also, athletes highly appreciate the effects of Decabol 300, such as improving oxygen transport, ligament and joint function, strengthening the skeletal system, increasing efficiency, endurance and strength potential. Due to the wide range of effects, the drug is relevant for almost all physical sports.

Only men can be recommended to use Dekabol 300 injections. The steroid does not have the highest androgenic activity, but significant risks of virilization remain for women. Even with a reduced dosage, the likelihood of manifestations of disorders such as acne, a decrease in sexual activity, an increase in the timbre of the voice and other symptoms of the development of viril syndrome cannot be ruled out.

For men, the side effects of Decabol 300, if the recommendations are followed, are usually rare and mild. In case of predisposition and abuse of the drug, the following are possible: strong suppression of testosterone production, testicular atrophy, baldness, increased blood pressure, gynecomastia and some other complications.

According to customer reviews, the drug Decabol 300 is often presented as a worker and is even ranked higher than many analogues. It is important to note that the steroid nandrolone decanoate appeared on the market back in the 60s of the 20th century, but over the past decades it has not lost its relevance as a doping agent.


The drug can be effectively used in courses lasting from 4 to 12 weeks, depending on the goals, experience and needs of the user . The frequency of injections, as a rule, does not exceed 1-3 times a full week, since the duration of the action of the substance is high – more than two full weeks. Full details on the link:

The dosage of Decabol 300 for athletes is recommended in the range of 200-600 mg per week. On average, these are doses of about 400 mg per week, divided into 1-3 doses on equidistant days, for example, 200 mg injections on Monday and 200 mg on Friday.

Application Decabol 300 can be performed solo, but for best results, most passes in combination with other steroids. In accordance with the tasks and the level of the athlete’s experience, effective combinations with stanozolol , methandrostenolone ( methandienone ), testosterone esters, including testosterone mix , and many other drugs that are relevant for sports use.

The course, which includes the introduction of Decabol 300 at a dosage of about 400 mg and the intake of methandienone up to 30-50 mg per day, is one of the recommended for a rapid increase in muscle mass. The duration of the course of use is up to 8-10 weeks, but methandienone is taken on average up to 6 weeks. To minimize estrogenic side effects on the course, a strong antiestrogenic drug, such as anastrozole ( Anastrodin or similar), may be required , and to increase libido – the steroid mesterolone ( Provimed or similar), usually used from the second week.

After using the steroid, post cycle therapy (PCT) is mandatory – tamoxifen (Tamoximed or simila) or clomiphene citrate can be used . Before this, you will probably need an outlet to consolidate the achieved results, for example, on a short air of testosterone propionate and / or drostanolone propionate (dipropionate).